Table of Contents
Write default settings in config file
You should create a config file for avrdude containing your default settings. After the config file is created, you can use avrdude without entering the settings each time. This also makes it possible to leave this parameters out of the makefiles.
Create config file under Windows
After installing avrdude, create a file avrdude.rc in the same directory as your avrdude.exe with the following content:
default_serial = "com10"; default_programmer = "stk500v2";
(change your settings as needed).
Create config file under Linux
After installing avrdude, create a file .avrduderc in your home directory with the following content:
default_serial = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; default_programmer = "stk500v2";
(change your settings as needed).
Check the programmer connection
Now connect the ATMega to power and the ISP connector.
Try to read out the fuses:
avrdude -p ATMEGA328P -U lfuse:r:-:h
(use ATMEGA328P or ATMEGA168 for the microcontroller model and use the appropriate ISP com port).
You should get something like:
0x62 avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
If not, check all connections or if you have a shortcut.
You can use “lfuse” for low fuses, “hfuse” for high fuses and “efuse” for extended fuses. Call avrdude without parameters to see your options.